For Christians


For thousands of years, churches have been havens and refuge for the poor and oppressed.  In the past, they have acted as hospitals, convalescence homes, schools, homeless shelters, and food banks to name a few.

In my study of the history of independent and autonomous communities, the most successful have been Christian.

Now we face the complete destruction of western civilization, and  Christians are the primary target. The best solution to surviving the collapse of society is to unite to support each other.

We need to turn our churches into refuges and havens once again.

Establish food banks and food co-ops,


Emergency Shelters,

 Home School and Daycare

Disaster Response Team

If you need advice on how to organize your church group into a fortress of sanity in an insane world, then contact me to set up a Zoom conference call where I can speak with all your church elders and members and go over the plans to save your parish and parishioners from the coming storm.